Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Indian version of wall mart…Big bazaar “sabse saste 6 din”….The experience…..

Saw these huge boards and hoardings everywhere of “sabse saste 6 din in Big Bazaar”. Was curious and decided to visit at least once. As it was the first ‘sasta’ din and a weekday, I visited Big Bazaar with a thought that it would be less crowded.

At the entrance itself, I could imagine that how it is going to be for the next 5 days, as there were zig-zag queues at the entrance itself (similar to those we see at temples, bus/ train ticket counters). I was lucky that I could get inside very easily, and then there were many new things that I never thought would be in Big Bazaar. The big bazaar employees, in the group 4-5 were shouting slogans like “Isse sasta aur achha kahi nahi” etc using those bullhorns and making so much of irritating noise. Respective sales people were standing in the middle of their products and shouting “___sunflower oil 5 liter___ Rs only”, “___ biscuits with 30% discount”. Oh my god!! For a second I thought I was standing in the middle of ‘Sabzi Mandi’ or a fish market. Hundreds of people with their shopping carts were running here and there. There were queues for entering into the Trial Rooms. Was a complete riot like feeling. I was thinking that what it’s going to be on the coming ‘long weekend’.

And of course there was huge task left, to reach the billing counter. As usual, and I know everyone has experienced this, the smallest of the queues we select and that’s the queue in which the credit card of the people in front of you gets rejected (and of course they don’t have that much cash with them !!). In the end, I reached the billing counter after 40 minutes. My card was finally accepted (of course when tried twice). I came to know about this new thing Big Bazaar has started that they charge Rs.3/4 for the plastic bags. Was surprised initially but then realized that it was a good thing as it would make people bring their own bags for shopping.

Overall, it was an surprising experience of what I would say Indian version of the Wall mart… J , and everyone should visit Big Bazaar, if not for shopping then at least to get a new experience. J

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