Friday, September 28, 2018

Flamingo Travels review - highly unprofessional!

Highly unprofessional - go away from Flamingo ASAP!

I am writing this review based on personal experience. Having experienced Veena world and Flamingo Travels. I had plenty of things to compare, and the result is Veena world is the winner hands down. This review can be seen as Veena world review as well. Good one for Veena but bad for Flamingo.

We booked the USA west coast tour, from Flamingo Ahmedabad office. But somehow(I dont know how), a lady from their Baroda office also go involved and as a result, there were two points of contact. They had no communication between themselves. As a resut - headache for the customer.

Next bad thing is the communication. Due to geographical reasons, couldnt attend the pre trip meeting. But that should not affect the comminication. They didnt bother to send email, call or messages about the updates. Very bad.

Gifts- Veena world provides good gifts (although they had much better earlier) Flamingo provided some poor gifts. poncho, cloth bags like homemade pouches. Most of the stuff was not usable during the trip. To summarize, lame gifts for 2 lakhs spent.

Price - Veena world has much better tour in less price. Unfortunately, their seats were full for our dates and we had to go for Flamingo.

Flamingo gives two free days in Las Vegas. In this, they dont provide lunch. The breakfast is not at the hotel. You have to go to some other place, in some indian restaurant nearby. You have to walk the distance. So you can see that they have cut their cost where. But to customers, they charge bomb. Not at at all competitive. Other tours charge the same or less but provide more facilities. We had to spend $250 more in Las Vegas for those two free days because you cant stay back at hotel, if you have come so far to roam around. Noone gives helpful suggestions. Helicopter ride was better than airplane ride was good. Noone gave this valuable review before going. And these are the things that dont come back.
There also cheap thing by Flamingo. They book the same trip that you see online but they charge $50 extra. We checked this well in time and booked ourselves and it was the same. Saved $50.

You take a conducted tour so that old people do not need to worry about talking in English, not think about food arrangements. And all this is not taken care of by Flamingo. We had to coordinate from India over the phone for our relatives who had taken the tour.

Good things- The tour guide was helpful.
Got indian food.

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